What is your hometown, what brought you to 

PENSACOLA and how long have you been here?


My family, composed of my husband and two boys, Erik and 

Carter, are from Canton, GA which is located just north of 

Atlanta. Together we decided to start a family business, and 

upon finding out about a franchise opportunity with Petland, we 

moved down to Pensacola. For the past two years, we have lived 

here while operating Petland Pensacola on a daily basis.    

What led you to choose this profession? 

My kids loved having a variety of different pets growing up. 

Between our dogs, reptiles, Guinea Pigs, and our Holland lop 

bunny; pet care became a family hobby for all of us. So when we 

found a chance to turn that hobby into a family business, we all 

jumped at the chance to make it happen. We love animals and 

enjoy helping people experience the same joy that our kids had 

while growing up caring for them. 

What do you like best about Pensacola? What makes it 


The best thing about Pensacola to me is that it is a very family 

oriented place. Its also a very accepting place. From the moment 

we moved down here, my family has felt very welcomed. Some 

days, its hard to believe that this is what our lives turned into; 

living around palm trees and sunny beaches. We hope we 

have passed along the same joy that we feel to the rest of the 


Give three words that best describe you.

Empathetic. Resilient. Selfless. I’ve always had great care for 

those around me and feel deeply about their wellbeing. I’ve 

always been very involved in any community I have lived in. I 

don’t let anything keep me down and I use that strength to help 

those around me. These are the traits that I hope to share with 

my fellow Pensacolians. 

Name a few favorite things you like about Pensacola.


I have greatly enjoyed living in Pensacola the past two years, 

but if I had to narrow something down as a favorite it would be 

the beaches. Going out on our family boat and exploring the 

vacation spot around us has become a weekly activity for our 


Finish this statement, I AM PENSACOLA because…


I have quickly adopted to the ways of the Pensacola life; enjoying 

what it has available, and helping the community in every aspect 

that I can.

photo by Kristina Wright


Peggy Davis

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