In December of 1987, then Hadji Shrine piper Jack Dasinger 

met with Molly and McGuire Martin to discuss the possibility 

of McGuire’s Irish Pub sponsoring a Scottish-style bagpipe 

band to perform under the McGuire’s name. In March 1988, 

several local pipers and drummers came together as the 

“McGuire’s Irish Pub Pipe Band” to perform in local parades, 

non-profi t benefi ts and Pub-sponsored events and the rest is 


In order to play with the band, one must be profi cient on 

the Great Highland Bagpipes or be able to play snare, tenor 

or bass drum in the “Scottish style”. Those wishing to learn 

the pipes or drums have the opportunity to take lessons with 

a current member or other instructor. Learning to play a 

Scottish Highland bagpipe is not easy, and it usually takes 

anywhere from 1.5 to 2 years to be profi cient enough to be 

accepted into the band. All tunes must be memorized and 

played in unison with the other pipers and drummers. 

The Band has a dual role, we provide Celtic music for a 

variety of local and regional events. Each year the band plays 

at 40-55 events including non-profi t awareness walks, holiday 

parades and celebrations, and the Panama City Highland 

Festival and Games. There is always, of course, the Annual 

McGuire’s Irish Pub 5K Prediction Run and St. Patrick’s Day. 

2018’s season will mark the 41st anniversary of the run and the 

30th time the Band parts the “sea of green” at the start. 

The band will continue to grow its role as ambassadors 

for the City of Pensacola, the central Gulf Coast, as well as 

McGuire’s Irish Pub. As Pipe Major, Michael Vazzana’s goal 

is to continue the course strengthening the band’s musicality 

and precise military style, while representing Pensacola and 

McGuire’s Irish Pub as a nationally recognized Pipe Band. 

For additional information and upcoming events please 

visit the McGuire’s Pipe Band Facebook Page.

March 2018   |   31

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