What is your hometown, what brought you 

to the Pensacola area and how long have 

you been here?

My hometown is Honolulu, Hawaii. I moved to 

the Pensacola Bay area in my early 20’s seeking 

more opportunities in life. Whether it be as 

an entrepreneur or a volunteer, I have always 

contributed to the greater good of the Pensacola 

Bay Area.

What is your profession and give a brief 

description of what you do.

I have been a full-time community volunteer 

philanthropist for the last few years and it is 

the most rewarding “job” I’ve ever had.  My 

work as a volunteer has led me to exciting 

leadership opportunities with various nonprofi t 

organizations that serve the community at large. 

I am involved in: Impact 100, Mess Hall, Arc 

Gateway, Gulf Coast Kids House, Krewe of 

SWAT, PACE Center for Girls, Covenant Care, 

and Studer Community Institute.

What do you like best about Pensacola? 

What makes it so unique?

The spirit of the city.  Pensacola is full of heart 

with very giving people, which is how I try to live 

my life everyday—with heart and by giving. Like 

Pensacola, I have a beautiful story, a past that has 

made me what I am today. We, together, have 

a beautiful future, one that I am excited to help 

mold and share with others. 

Give us three words that best describe 


Passionate, Grateful, Blessed. 

What are some of your favorite things 

about Pensacola.

We have the largest IMPACT 100 in the world, 

the whitest beaches in the world, and the one and 

only Blue Angels in the world.  



Pensacola is full of Aloha Spirit, people with big 


I AM PENSACOLA - Madrina Ciano

photo by Rebecca Hutton

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6/26/17   3:34 PM