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What have been some obstacles you’ve 

faced as an organization and some of 

your triumphs so far?

We have been fortunate that a lot of 

our obstacles have turned into triumphs. 

Originally, we only served children age 0-12, 

but we saw that as an opportunity and worked 

with the multidisciplinary team at GCKH to 

grow that age to 0-18. I think we face the same 

obstacles as many area not-for-profits in that 

we operate on a lean budget, where every dollar 

that can go to Programs does. Funding is a 

never ending obstacle, but we have a dedicated 

Board of Directors committed to turning that 

into a triumph every year!

What is the biggest moment that has 

stood out in the last year?

I think our biggest moment 

programmatically is that in January 2017, 

we became the contract holders for the 

Child Protection Team (CPT) in the Region 

(Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa, and Walton 

Counties). CPT program is a medically 

directed, multidisciplinary program that works 

with local Sheriff’s offices and the Department 

of Children and Family Services in cases 

of child abuse and neglect to supplement 

investigation activities. We have worked with 

this team for years and it’s exciting to be able 

to contribute directly to their growth and 


Is Gulf Coast Kid’s House involved in 

any upcoming events?

We just hosted our 2nd annual Brunch and 

Bubbles at Portofino Island Resort and it was 

a huge success! We are going to enjoy a small 

fundraising lull this summer before we turn 

our attention toward the Northeast Sertoma 

Dragonboat Races. They will happen at 

Bayview Park on September 9 this year and it is 

always a great day at the park and on the water!

What plans does Gulf Coast Kid’s 

House have for the future?

We had a big growth year in our operations. 

Our future focus is on child abuse prevention. 

The numbers keep getting bigger – so we know 

our prevention efforts are working…we are 

getting more reports. We want to educate every 

child in our community about staying safe and 

we want to educate the adults about keeping 

kids safe and knowing how to report abuse if its 


Describe a situation working with the 

organization that really stood out and 

touched you.

Every year we do a Breaking the Silence 

luncheon, which features one of our families 

who has been through Gulf Coast Kid’s House. 

Working with these families is the most 

touching part of my job each year. I am always 

astounded at their willingness to share such a 

painful part of their history. They all say the 

same thing – that they are proud to share their 

story and that the hope it helps others. It is the 

truest form of renewal that I’ve seen.

Interview with Stacey Kostevicki

Executive Director

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