So many brides want to know how to lose 

weight for their wedding, and then stay thin 

for their marriage. And it turns out, the best 

answer isn’t what you would think.

There’s a reason why so many people have 

dumped their ridiculous diets and relaxed 

in to losing weight using hypnosis. Losing 

weight, stopping smoking, and many other 

unwanted habits can be changed using 

hypnosis, your imagination, and the power 

of suggestion. The funny thing is, it’s easy 

and fun, not just powerful. 

Diana, one of the current Bayside clients, 

just came in and said she had donated 55 

pairs of her old size 18 pants because in two 

months’ time she is a 14 on her way to a 12! 

“This is the ONLY way I could do this… 

because it helps me control my mind and 

how I think.” 

Michelle Spencer, the hypnotist and owner of Bayside Hypnosis feels that beyond some of the obvious 

health benefi ts to losing weight (lower blood pressure, less diabetes meds needed, more energy) for most 

people the main reward is how much they simply enjoy feeling thinner…their smaller clothes are so cute, they 

can physically move around better, and they fi nally like how they look in photos.

 Michelle describes the easy process of relaxing, then going into trance and acting on the suggestions given 

as how hypnosis works. “It’s easy,” she explains, “because trance is a very natural state… we go into trance 

every day so it feels very natural.” Besides lots of 5 star reviews, Bayside Hypnosis has documented results of 

local people who have lost weight and never felt deprived or like they had to sacrifi ce. 

“When I fi rst arrived, I felt overwhelmed, and unable to make the changes necessary to lose weight. 

I was very unhappy with myself. After 4 weeks, I’m positive, feel great, and I’m not interested in 

snacking.”  Diane S.  Pace 

“I literally feel like a plug has been pulled to let all the garbage out of my head ~ I feel lighter and 

more relaxed. I’m getting my mojo back… more creative and happy. Oh, and I’m getting thinner!!”    

Melinda G.  Pensacola

“I’m much happier than I was six weeks ago… I’m 10 pounds lighter and I feel like a new woman.” 

Lisa D.  Navarre

Hypnosis to lose 



“See if you are the type of person who 

can be hypnotized.”

January 2019   |   45

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