Mary Parks & Ann Breitenstein

Nan Harper, Chandra McKern & Contessia Gibson

Kristen Stotz & Kirstin Norris

Travis Griggs & Holly Hays

Alex Gartner & Kirstin Norris

Deniz Uz & Brent Heatherington


n the evening of Wednesday, February 28, guests were invited to enjoy their 
Man of La Mancha fi estas early at the Tapas and Tastings celebration at V. Paul’s 
Italian Ristorante. Members from the Pensacola Opera entertained guests with 
select pieces from the upcoming production Man of La Mancha, which will take 

place on March 16 and 18 at the Pensacola Saenger Theatre.  This will be the 35th anniversary 
season of the productions. Chandra McKern, managing Director of Pensacola Opera, noted the 
organization wanted to increase attendance to the upcoming production, and created this one of 
a kind event to provide a more relaxed atmosphere and offer fantastic food and drink options.

The evening began with a Spanish sparkling wine, known as Spanish Cava, followed by a 

white Spanish wine served with Spanish garlic shrimp or Gambas al ajillo. The fi rst Spanish 
red was accompanied by a gazpacho salad, followed by the second red, which was served with 
Jamon Serrano or dry-cured ham. Lastly, sherry was served alongside Manchego cheese, stuffed 
Spanish olives, and honey toasted almonds. As each wine was served, guests were given a brief 
introduction about the location where each of the grapes are grown.

A silent auction was held, along with a chance to win a drawing for a $1,000 gift certifi cate to 

Beré Jewelers. 


apas and Tastings

photos & story by


Kristina Wright 

Kenny & Alexis Quick

   VIP Pensacola at V Paul’s Italian Ristorante

April 2018   |   79 

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