What is your hometown, what brought you to the 

Emerald Coast and how long have you been here?  

Crystal Beach - I was conceived in Fort Walton Beach 

but born in Chattanooga, Tennessee when my father was 

transferred but returned as an infant. In 1980, I returned 

to the Emerald Coast to marry my husband, Dale.  We like 

to say “we live in the original settlement of Crystal Beach 

when our street address was Star Route!”  In total, I have 

lived on the Emerald Coast for over 44 years.

What is your profession?

I am the Chief Executive Offi cer at Mattie Kelly Arts 


What led you to choose this profession?

My parents introduced me to a world of art and culture 

at a very young, impressionable age.  Although my early 

career was in the oil and real estate industry, with emphasis 

on public relations, I found my true calling in 1998 with 

the Mattie Kelly Arts Foundation.  
I have been inspired by several women colleagues, 

mentors and visionaries to fi nd my voice.  I credit the late 

Mrs. Patricia McIlroy (Destin’s First Lady) who invited 

me to attend a Mattie Kelly fundraising gala and three 

days later I had an interview with 17 board members!   As 

I enter my 20th year with MKAF, I also know that God 

had a plan in preparing me for this cultural journey.  

What do you like best about Destin and what 

makes it unique?

The PEOPLE who make this community great to live, 

work and play! 
Its uniqueness is evident in the natural beauty of our 

beaches, world-class fi shing, boating, the Destin Harbor, 

Destin Fishing Rodeo, Destin’s Week of Blessings, 

MKAF signature events (Concerts in the Village, Festival 

of the Arts and Sounds of the Season Christmas Concert). 

Favorite Things you like about Destin.


Destin’s heritage and living in the luckiest fi shing village 

in the world!  
Living and working in a community that is known for its 

people to serve others in need and bringing quality of life 

to its residents and visitors.   
Being a Destin Rotarian and Building the foundation of 

arts and culture in our community!  

Give us three words that best describe you. 

Service Above Self, Passionate, Faith & Family

I AM DESTIN because…



it is HOME and there is no place like HOME!     




photo by

 Kay Phelan

106 IamDestin - Marcia Hull.indd   1

8/29/18   11:31 AM