I AM DESTIN - Shane Moody

What is your hometown, what brought you 

to the EMERALD COAST and how long have 

you been here? 

I’m originally from Greenville, SC, where I lived 

until I was 37. I moved to Atlanta in 1999, then 

moved here in late 2003. I started with the Destin 

Chamber in January 2004 and have never regretted 

a single minute of it.

What is your profession and give a brief 

description of what you do. 

I’m the President and CEO of the Destin Chamber 

of Commerce. We bring the business community 

together to improve the economy, vitality and 

quality of place for our community. We also spend 

a lot of time promoting Destin as a great place 

to vacation because we are a great family resort 






What lead you to choose this profession?

I actually stumbled into it in 1993. I was very 

involved with our local chamber in Greenville, 

served on several committees for them and 

attended most of their events. One day the VP of 

membership called me, said they had an opening in 

membership sales and asked me if I was interested. 

I thought ‘sure, why not’, and took the job to put 

it on my resume, thinking I’d do it for three or 

four years and move on. Little did I know it would 

become my resume.  Twenty-three years later, I’m 

still in the profession.

What do you like best about Destin? What 

makes it unique?

It’s a very family oriented and friendly community. 

A lot of that is because most of the people who 

live here moved here for quality of life. And in a 

community built and grown like that, the people 

will do whatever they need to do to maintain that. 

Those of us who live here are very, very lucky and 

privileged. It’s a small town with big city amenities.

Three words that best describe you.


Father, Friend, Mentor.

Favorite Things you like about Destin.


Destin’s restaurants. The locally owned eateries 

have some of the best food I’ve ever had. I love 

the people here, they really make this a great 

community. I love the beach and I love the golfi ng.  

Finish this statement, I AM DESTIN 


our organization represents the business 

community. Every decision we make every day, 

every position we take, everything we do effects the 

lives of everyone who lives here and visits here in a 

positive way. And there’s just something great to be 

said about that.

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