Regardless of whether they take cues from the hottest trends or 

follow a beat all their own, people dress to impress and display 

what makes them unique; and everyone knows that accessories 

play a crucial role in the style game. That said, there’s one 

accessory that tops them all, doing more than just gracing our 

wrists or sparkling in our ears. Far more than any name brand 

watch or designer bag, the four-legged friends who make us smile 

and laugh are the very best way to play personal style.  

Walk the streets of any city, and you’ll see it for yourself—furry 

little mini-me’s who seem to personify the humans who give them 

a home, and the stylish people of Destin prove that fact each and 

every day. From chic designer pet carriers to blinged-out collars 

and leashes, cats and dogs are being tricked out and treated to 

the good life, becoming almost as much an accessory as actual 


It’s not simply enough to feed, house, and bathe them anymore. 

We groom our pets and pamper them from head to toe—or, 

more accurately, head to paw—and make them as valued as any 

member of the family. And in return, they give us unconditional 

love and devotion, greeting us happily at the door and cuddling 

us when we need affection. Ask anyone with a pet, and they’ll tell 

you it’s true—their pet is top dog (or cat), with a personality all 

their own and a unique character that deserves only the best in 

life. We want them to enjoy everyday to its fullest, with food that 

puts simple kibble to shame and toys that keep them entertained 

for hours on end. We walk them, work them out, and even take 

them to our favorite restaurants to show them off and show them 

love…because big or small, there’s no denying that our pets have 

our hearts on a leash.

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