any years ago there was an eclectic group
of men living in a condo complex on
Holiday Isle in Destin, Florida. They all
came from different walks of life, some
civilians and some prior Military including WWII,
Korea and Vietnam War Veterans. They banded
together over their joint love for America and bacon.
Their history dates back to March 5, 2007 when a small
group would meet once a week for breakfast at Harbor
Docks to swap old war stories and talk about life. The
group’s name came from the guy’s bacon preference.
They all ordered their bacon crispy, so the waitresses
started called them “The Crispies” and the name just
stuck. Rick Scali, Sergeant in the Marine Corp serving
in the Vietnam War, said, “This is the greatest bunch
of guys I have ever had the good fortune to be with. My
dream has always been to be with these same guys when
they were in their prime, 20’s and 30’s. Their stories
never get old, nor does their friendship.” The original
group consisted of Jerry Stalnaker, Harry Johnson,
Evans Heath, George Warren, and Tom Pollard. The
group continues the tradition and now meets every
Thursday at 8:00am for breakfast at Crackings. They
group is a casual crew with no formal bylaws and as
always, all U.S. military services are represented and
welcomed: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast
Guard. “I love the fellowship, war stories, and jokes. As
the only Coastie I get the brunt of most of the jokes!”
said former Commander of Coast Guard Station Destin
Kurt Rommerdahl, BMCM, USCG (Ret.).
The Crispy Warriors are made up of about 75
“members” with 30-35 attending on average any
Thursday. Most of the men fell in love with the
Emerald Coast while working or visiting here and
then stayed or retired. No matter what brought them
here, they all love the strong military presence and
respect the community has for the military. Skip
Overdier, Air Force Master Chief (Ret.) described
the warriors saying, “They are all true heroes and
their stories are sometimes inspirational, sometimes
heartbreaking and sometimes even funny. But they
always remind me that the 1% have kept America
free for the 99% and it’s something they would all do
over again tomorrow if they needed to.” This prideful
organization of conservative and patriotic men gathers
to enjoy camaraderie and keep the faith in promoting
the greatness of our nation. Retired USAF Major, Air
Battle Manager, Charley Booton served in Just Cause,
Desert Storm, and Joint Endeavor and described, “I’m
so honored to be a part of a great fraternity of men who
spare no expense to share their stories and continue
to foster the value that our parents and forefathers
instilled in us. At every breakfast there’s always an
announcement of another community activity and/or
venue that brings us all together and/or makes us proud
to be an American.”
Most of the “Crispies” are prior Military, but there
are a few special men like local Jeff Marken who was
invited to join the breakfast group
by a long time member and has been
loving the camaraderie ever since.
The warriors that served range from
Sergeants to Generals. Civilian
members like Jeff Marken and Jeff
Carlisi still maintain a strong military
background; both having fathers who
were pilots in WWII. This is a truly
unique group of men. “It isn’t every
day that we can be so fortunate to not
only socialize but also be friends of the
same cut. The group is the cream of
America’s loyal citizens and patriots,
said Sam Lombardo, Army LTC (Ret.)
who served in WWII Battle of the
Bulge. The Crispy Warriors are brave,
they are strong and above all else, they
are true heroes and patriots.
story by
Courtney Murray
| photo provided by
Crispy Warriors
Armed Services Profile
The Crispy Warriors
44 | VIPDestinMagazine.com
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