VIP Destin at First Baptist Church of Fort Walton
Donna Tashik & Bill Roberts
Patricia Payne & Dayna Stinebiser
Mel Ponder & Ted Cochran
Ron Raybourne, Diane Winnemuller & Alan Gieseman
Allison Morris, Vandy Vela & Paul Bernier
February 2018 | 31
photos & story by
Zhalman Harris
he Greater Fort Walton Beach Chamber of
Commerce held its Annual Board Installation and
Awards Ceremony on Friday, January 5, at its First
Friday Coffee. Bit-Wizards was honored as the
Corporate Business of the Year. Conexion Media Group was
honored as the Small Business of the Year in recognition of their
exceptional impact on the diversity of the Emerald Coast. Paul
Montalvo and Donna Vecchione-Montalvo of Professional
Computer and Training Services and Inside Look, LLC
respectively, were honored as Mert Wagner Volunteers of the
Year. Kim Denman of Inside Look, LLC, was honored as Jim
Glenn Ambassador of the Year.
During the festivities, the incoming Chair, Nick Chubb of
Cabinets R Us, introduced his 2018 leadership team, consisting
of Executive Board members Matt Turpin of Carr, Riggs &
Ingram (2019 Chair-Elect), Bill Roberts of Barnes Insurance
and Financial Services (Immediate Past Chair), and Tammy
McGaughy of Warren Averett (Treasurer). The remaining
Executive Committee members are: Vince Mayfield (Bit-
Wizards); Stephen Smith (The Petermann Agency); and Oxana
Solovieva (OxanaSol Commercial Real Estate).
The incoming board members for 2018-2020 are: Steve Baxter
(Steve Baxter Insurance); Kim Denman (Inside Look, LLC);
Mark Hamrick (Business Interiors); Heather Ruiz (Destin
Commons); Vicki Tarro (Fort Walton Beach Medical Center);
and Donna Tashik (The Arc of the Emerald Coast).
After issuing the year-end awards, 2017 Chair of the Chamber
Board Bill Roberts passed the gavel to 2018 Chair, Nick Chubb
of Cabinets R Us, who shared his 2018 theme, “Building Bridges
for Our Community.”
Greater Fort Walton Beach Chamber
Annual Board Installation
31-32 Event Greater FWB Chamber Annual Board Installation.indd 1
1/27/18 12:22 PM