he first
VIP Destin Magazine
Cover Reveal Party of the
year took place at the Emerald
Grande Harbor View Room
on Jan 4. The venue, overlooking the gulf,
was a perfect place to be at 4:30 because
guests were treated to drinks and some
mouthwatering hors d’oeuvres prepared
by Chef Jim McManus and his crew,
while the sunset in the backdrop made it a
perfect spectacle to enjoy.
The January issue of the magazine
included a special section on Weddings
to kick off the bridal season on the
Emerald Coast. The bride gracing the
cover this month was real life bride, Paige
Waterfield, who had no idea she would
be on the cover. After being persuaded by
her mom to come out to the
VIP Destin
Magazine event at the Harbor, little did
she know what she was getting into until
she walked in and saw her self on a life
size poster.
Thousands of dollars in door prizes
were donated by local business and were
given away to lucky winners as an exciting
climax to the evening.
photos & story by
Zhalman Harris
VIP Destin at the Emerald Grande Harbor View Room
Demetrius Fuller & Denise Song
Theresa Cabael & Allyson Gordon
Steve Barber, Kelly O’Shea & Paige Waterfi eld
Paige Waterfi eld, Kelly O’Shea & Regina Phillips
James & Sheila Herbermann
18 | VIPDestinMagazine.com
18-20 Event VIP Destin Magazine Cover Reveal Party.indd 1
1/27/18 12:17 PM