the public but requires scuba gear to visit. And while not 

everyone might initially be open to the idea of having to 

suit up for a trip to the museum, this is one that certainly 

earns an earmark as a must-see. 

But the seven sculptures currently on exhibit at UMA 

are just a teaser for things to come, as new pieces will be 

added annually to expand the museum’s draw—both to 

visitors of the human kind as well as to the marine life that 

it will naturally begin to attract as it transforms from art 

into living reef. Year after year, the UMA will become even 

more remarkable as the waters shift and the tides work 

their magic, as the elements make their marks to turn these 

masterpieces into even more stunning creations that can 

fi nd no duplication.

December 2018   |   75

“The beauty of the museum is that the 

pieces become a part of the 

natural environment.“

~ CAA Executive Director Jennifer Steele

For more information, 

visit www.umafl .org or call (850) 622-5970.

Propeller in Motion


Marek Anthony

Self Portrait


Justin Gaffrey

JYC’s Dream


Kevin Reilly



Vince Tatum

74-75 AdventureOut - Underwater Museum of Art.indd   2

11/27/18   10:00 AM